Keywords: Sakharov, constitution, human rights, digitalization, internet, cyberspace, convergence, philosophy of law, academy of sciences, altruism, Gorbachev, Yeltsin


In the article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize winner, an outstanding physicist and human rights activist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Andrey Sakharov, an attempt is made to analyze the provisions of the constitutional draft prepared by him shortly before his death in 1989. The project is considered in the general context of Sakharov's theoretical legacy, including his work in the field of futures research. As an example of a foresight study, the article “The World in Half a Century” written in the spring of 1974 is used, and therefore, the forecast is due in 2024.

The article analyzes in detail Sakharov's proposals for the transformation of the USSR into a new state — the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia. The motives that prompted the author to propose just such a name for the reformed state, as well as his views on what the foundations of the constitutional system should be, the legal status of the individual, the national state structure, the system of state authorities are considered.

The constitutional ideas embodied in the draft Sakharov Constitution are analyzed in the context of the experience of constitutional construction accumulated in our country in recent years and in conjunction with such modern challenges for the human rights system as digitalization and confrontation.


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Author Biographies

Mikhail A. FEDOTOV, HSE University

М.A. Fedotov — Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights, Honorable Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation of 2nd Class, Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee for 100th Anniversary of the academician Andrey Sakharov’ birth

Alexey G. DEYNEKO , HSE University

A.G. Deyneko — Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Digital Technology Law and Bio Law, State Councilor of the Russian Federation of 2nd Class
