Innovations in technology have contributed to the expansion and multiplication of opportunities for human activity and, in a sense, existence. It goes without saying that this also applies to the realm of the socially illicit and illegal, with all the possible changes, discrepancies and deviations that occur in reality. The ability to measure the extent of the criminal or deviant can help to explain not only the unprecedented impact on the field of relations, opening new ways to capture classical dynamics and giving rise to dynamics quite unlike anything else, but also to sharpen questions about the relationship between normative provisions and changes in society. This also applies to those forms that combine actions that, at first glance, belong to areas independent of each other. Therefore, when turning to theories related specifically to the sphere of digital technol- ogies, we try to include them in various contexts where they still do not play a significant role, and offer interpretive tools that can overcome some traditional classifications of devi- ant phenomena, and also call for critical revision of some abstract paradigms on which a specific part of investigative and judicial practice is based.