Keywords: civil turnover, digitalization, property rights, electronic form of transaction, digital rights, utilitarian digital rights, investment, investment platform, investment platform operator, investment agreement


The purpose of the research is to analyze civil legislation regarding the turnover of utilitarian digital rights, the issuance of which is carried out in the process of invest- ment using investment platforms (information systems on the Internet). Based on the goal set by the authors, the objectives of the study include the analysis of the norms on crowdfunding and the practice of their application, taking into account the digitalization of civil turnover in the Russian Federation. The conclusion of the study is that utilitarian digital rights are a kind of property rights that have both a binding nature and a special sphere of implementation — through the use
of information systems in electronic form. The comparison of the domestic experience of attracting investments and foreign approaches to crowdfunding carried out using the Internet is carried out. It is noted that such rights are one of the ways of investing, which is carried out on an investment platform and is not a popular financial instrument due to the terminological complexity of the current legislation and the insufficient level of investor awareness of the mechanisms used.


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Author Biographies

Ilya Yu. PASHCHENKO, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

I.Y. Pashchenko — Candidate of Legal Sciences, lecturer of the Department of Civil Procedure and International Law of the Kuban State University, adviser to the Office of the Election Commission of the Krasnodar Krai

Sergey V. POTAPENKO, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

S.V. Potapenko — Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Khmyrov Facility of Law of Kuban State University
