Guide for Authors

Manuscript formatting rules

  1. The submitted article must be original, unpublished earlier, corresponding to the subject of the journal. Materials sent simultaneously to several publications are not considered, and the relationship with their Author is terminated.
  2. The volume of an article (taking into account the List of Sources and the Bibliographic List), as a rule, should not be less than 30 thousand and exceed 50 thousand characters, including spaces and footnotes. Pages are numbered. Font - Times New Roman.
  3. Abbreviations and abbreviations at their first use in the text must be deciphered, and legal acts must contain the date of adoption, number, and full official name. The source of publication of normative legal acts is not given if they are available in Russian legal reference systems. Indication of the source of citations, statistical and sociological data, as well as factual information is required.
  4. Photos, drawings, and other illustrations may be used in the publication, provided that the intellectual rights of the copyright holders and the personal non-property rights of the persons depicted are respected. Photographic portraits of Authors are not welcome.
  5. The article should be submitted in one file in word format and contain the following information in Russian and English:
  • UDC index
  • title of the article;
  • name, patronymic, and surname of the Author;
  • Place of work of the Author (the main employer of the author or the organization where the research was carried out within the framework of the project - without designating the organizational and legal form of the legal entity: FGBUN, FGBOU VO, PJSC, JSC, etc.) and the location of this organization (address, city, country);
  • email address (e-mail) of the Author;
  • open scientist identifier (ORCID);
  • annotation - from 200 to 250 words (consists of the statement of the problem, goals, and objectives of the study, methods, results, and brief conclusions). The word “Abstract:” is given before the annotation;
  • keywords - no less than three and no more than 15. They are given, preceded by the words "Keywords:" ("Keywords:") and separated from each other by commas. Don't put a full stop after the keywords.
  1. If the article has several Authors, then their names are given in the sequence they have accepted. Information about the place of work (study), e-mail addresses, ORCID of the Authors are indicated after the names of the Authors on different lines and are associated with the names using superscript numbers.
  2. Information about the Author (s) is repeated in English after the title of the article in English. The name and surname of the Author (Authors) should be given in full in the Latin alphabet in transliterated form, the patronymic is shortened to one letter (in some cases, due to the peculiarities of transliteration, to two letters).
  3. After the keywords, words of gratitude can be given to organizations (institutions), supervisors, and other persons who assisted in the preparation of the article, information about grants, funding for the preparation of an article, projects, research works, within the framework or as a result of which the article was published ... This information is given with the preceding word "Acknowledgments:". In English, words of gratitude are given after the keywords in English, preceded by the word “Acknowledgments:”.
  4. After the main text of the article, the List of Sources is placed, which includes bibliographic references numbered in the order of citing the corresponding sources in the main text of the article. Links are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5. Bibliographic references to sources in English or other foreign languages ​​are included in the List of sources in the original language. References to sources are inserted into the main text of the article in sequential numbering in square brackets.
  5. In addition to the List of Sources in Russian, the List of Sources (“References”) in Latin is obligatory. At the same time, sources in Russian are included in this list according to the rules of transliteration. The numbering of records in both lists must be the same.
  6. After the List of Sources, there may be a Bibliographic List, which includes recommended sources on the topic of the article, which are not referenced in its main text. Bibliographic records are numbered and arranged in alphabetical or chronological order. The bibliographic list is compiled in Russian and English.
  7. After the List of sources and (or) the Bibliographic list, additional information about the Author (s) may be indicated. They are prefixed with the words “Information about the author”. Additional information about the Author (Authors) is given in Russian and English and may contain: academic degree and academic title of the Author, his international identifiers (in addition to ORCID), position, honorary title, class rank, diplomatic rank, affiliation with one or another organization, personal page address on the Internet, etc.

Review rules

Peer review is understood as the procedure for consideration by scientists and specialists of the International Scientific and Educational Center "UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Related, Cultural and Information Rights" of the National Research University Higher School of Economics of scientific articles reflecting the main results of the research conducted by the authors in the Journal of Proceedings on Intellectual Property before publication. The purpose of the review is to increase the scientific level of published materials, ensure the quality of articles, and comply with international rules adopted in authoritative abstract databases of scientific citation.

Reviewing is organized by the Deputy Editor-in-Chief Proceedings on Intellectual Property. The choice of expert reviewers belongs to the powers of the editorial board. The reviewer is appointed depending on his specialization and qualifications, taking into account the subject matter of the article submitted to the editors.

Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the results of intellectual activity capable of legal protection and are classified as confidential information. The reviewer is not given information about the author.

Reviewing is carried out within 60 days.

The review addresses the following questions:
• whether the content of the article corresponds to the topic stated in the title;
• whether the article corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;
• whether there is scientific novelty in the article under consideration;
• whether the article is accessible to the readers to whom it is addressed in terms of language, style, arrangement of material, clarity of tables, diagrams, figures, etc.;
• whether the publication of the article is appropriate, taking into account the previously published literature on this issue;
• a conclusion about the possibility of publishing the article: “recommended” (positive review), “recommended, provided that the shortcomings noted by the reviewer are corrected” (revision) or “not recommended” (negative review).

The review is sent by the editors to the author's email address. The author is not informed about the information about the reviewer.

The revised (corrected) article is re-sent by the editors for review to the same reviewer. The date of receipt of the article by the editorial office is the date when the author returns the revised article.

Reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.

Publication order

The editorial board, together with the editors, forms the next issue of Proceedings on Intellectual Property from articles that have received positive reviews, in accordance with the following heading:

• Information. Cyberspace. Human rights
• Information. State. Human rights
• Mass communications in the era of a pandemic
• Intellectual Property Rights
• The right of artificial intelligence
• Culture and Law

An article approved for publication is subject to editing and proofreading. If it is necessary to update the manuscript, agree on semantic revisions, prepare a translation of the list of references, the author undertakes to respond to the editors within the agreed time.


After the publication of the article is approved by the editorial board, the publisher of Proceedings on Intellectual Property and the author conclude an agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the published article (work).

The author alienates to the publisher in full the exclusive right to the work belonging to him. The publisher has the right to use the work in any form and in any way that does not contradict the law, including: to publish the work in any circulation; carry out commercial, advertising and any other activities related to the use of the work; issue permission (license) to third parties to use the work (including co-publishing agreements) or prohibit the use of the work by third parties.

The publisher has the right to use the rights transferred under the contract on the territory of the Russian Federation and in other countries during the entire term of copyright.

There is no fee for reviewing and publishing articles. The author is not remunerated.